Saturday, February 15, 2025


The City of Nortonville is an equal opportunity employer.  


The City of Nortonville is zoned. There are restrictions on lot size, building area, building height, parking area, setbacks, etc. Building permits are required for buildings larger than 10'x12'.  The cost for a building permit is $5.00

To have water service, a new residents must complete an application and pay a water deposit.  For home owners your deposit will be refunded after 12 consecutive monthly payments.  For renters your deposit will be refunded upon moving out of the city.  


The city has established limits on the number of pets per property.  You may have up to 3 cats and 2 dogs.  If you would like more pets you may simply apply for a kennel license. Click the Kennel License Procedure link above to learn how to apply for a kennel license.  


Building Permit is $5.00

Water deposit for a home owner is $100 

Water deposit for a renter is $150
Kennel license initial request is $100
After approval there is a yearly $50 fee.